We investigate the effect of a finite particle number N on the violent relaxation leading to the quasistationary state (QSS) in a one-dimensional self-gravitating system. From the theoretical point of view, we demonstrate that the local Poissonian fluctuations embedded in the initial state give rise to an additional term proportional to 1/N in the Vlasov equation. This term designates the strength of the local mean-field variations by fluctuations. Because it is of the mean-field origin, we interpret it differently from the known collision term in the way that it effects the violent relaxation stage. Its role is to deviate the distribution function from the Vlasov limit, in the collisionless manner, at a rate proportional to 1/N while the violent relaxation is progressing. This hypothesis is tested by inspecting the QSSs in simulations of various N. We observe that the core phase-space density can exceed the limiting density deduced from the Vlasov equationand its deviation degree is in accordance with the 1/N estimate. This indicates the deviation from the standard mean-field approximation of the violent relaxation process by that 1/N term. In conclusion, the finite-N effect has a significant contribution to the QSS apart from that it plays a role in the collisional stage that takes place long after. The conventional collisionless Vlasov equationmight not be able to describe the violent relaxation of a system of particles properly without the correction term of the local finite-N fluctuations.
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