Nowadays, metrology has employed advanced techniques such as artificial intelligence, the internet of things and data analysis, all with the aim of accurately and precisely measuring different physical magnitudes. All this is known today as metrology 4.0, which has as its main objective to ensure the reliability and accuracy of measurements in fields such as industry. In this context, a web application is proposed for a company dedicated to the calibration of instruments, in which regression algorithms are applied for prediction in their calibration instruments. This will not only provide better quality and more reliable results to customers, but will also optimize the company's processes and improve the efficiency of decision making related to instrument calibration. It is expected that, through the use of regression algorithms, the company will predict when the standard instrument will give bad readings. This will make it possible to send the instrument for calibration in advance, avoiding errors and guaranteeing measurement accuracy. Although concrete results are not yet available, a significant improvement in the accuracy and reliability of predictions is anticipated, as well as in the company's operational efficiency.