The maximum efficiency inlet velocity (MEIV) serves as the upper limit for the inlet velocity that defines the separation efficiency in cyclone design and operation. In this paper, a combination of numerical and experimental methods is used to study MEIV. Experimental findings indicate that the MEIV is 22 m/s for a median particle size of 12.39 μm (coarse powder) and 35 m/s for a median particle size of 2.93 μm (fine powder). Meanwhile, the amount of escaped fine powder is reduced by 25% compared to that at an inlet velocity of 22 m/s. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations have shown that the inconsistency between tangential and axial velocity growth of inlet velocity with respect to various powder diameters can explain this phenomenon. As the inlet velocity increases, the peak axial velocity exhibits a stepwise increase. When the peak value remains constant, the peak width increases. This phenomenon is called stagnation of the axial velocity. During the axial velocity stagnation step, the residence time of back-mixed particles vary. In contrast, the tangential velocity increases linearly with the inlet velocity, resulting in an enhanced secondary separation of the inner vortex. Both factors hinder the escape of fine particles due to entrainment by a rapid upward airflow. The inlet velocity range corresponding to the stagnation step of the fine powder is larger than that of the coarse powder. Therefore, the MEIV of the fine powder is higher.