ABSTRACTWe have grown epitaxial ferromagnetic metallic oxide SrRuO3 thin films with different domain structures on (001) LaAlO3 and miscut (001) SrTiO3 substrates. The effect of crystallographic domain structures on the magnetization and magnetoresistive behavior of epitaxial SrRuO3 thin films has been studied. Magnetization measurements on the single domain film on 2° miscut (001) SrTiO3 substrate showed that the in-plane [110] direction, which is aligned along the miscut direction, is the easier axis for magnetization compared to the [001] direction. This film also showed a strong anisotropie magnetoresistance (AMR) effect of ∼ 8% in magnitude. In contrast, the SrRuO3 thin film on (001) LaAlO3 substrate shows identical magnetization and magnetoresistance behavior in two orthogonal directions on the film due to the presence of 90 domains in the plane. For both the films, large negative magnetoresistance effects (-10%) were observed when the current and the applied magnetic field are parallel. The magnetoresistance behavior is explained in terms of suppression of spin fluctuations near Tc and the AMR effect.