1. The present paper gives the results of morphological and physiological studies on the causal fungus (Cercospora sp.) of a new disease of tomato.2. The symptoms of the disease closely resemble “leaf mould of tomato (Cladosporium fulvum), ” and it is almost impossible to find the difference between these two diseases except under microscope.3. The present disease is widely distributed in Japan, and causes often serious damage to tomato.4. The causal fungus is almost identical to Cercospora diffusa, ecxepting that the former has septated conidiophores.5. The author proposes a new common name “Cercospora leaf mould” for the present disease.6. Optimum temperature for germination of the conidia is about 26°C, and maximum about 36°C.7. Mycelial growth of the fungus is very poor on common culture media forming minute colonies in island type, and saltation occurs very often.8. Conidial formation is comparatively good on tomato plant decoction agar and optimum temperature for mycelial growth of the fungus seems to lie between 26-28°C and maximum 34-38°C.9. Conidia on tomato leaves kept thier vitality under ordinary conditions in the laboratory until the end of the following June, but they all died after 40 days in moist condition. Therefore conidia may live over winter in natural conditions and cause primary infection in the next season.10. The author made infection experiments of the fungus on tomato seedling with success and reisolated the same fungus from affected leaves.11. Varietal susceptibility of tomato is still unknown, but the author found two resistant varieties “Dwarf Stone” and “Marglove” among 35 varieties in the field.12. According to the spore germination test in vitro, Bordeaux mixture showed the strongest fungicidal power on the fungus, Zerlate and Fermate came next, while wettable sulphur (Soid No.1) was very weak.Postscript:The present fungus was lately identified to Cercospora fuligena Roldan by Dr. CHUPP.