Warehouse Building PT. XYZ at Semarang Central Java is a building place for keeping logistics owned by the company with a large area. There is also buildings' support in it so that required system installation suitable electricity with applicable standards such as PUIL 2011 and other standards in the field of electricity. The main electricity supply uses a source from PLN, and the generator is set as a backup source when electricity from PLN is dead. Plan installation at PT. XYZ Warehouse building, namely the installation of lighting, socket installation, air conditioning installation, electronics installation, installation of rolling door, installation of local government fire pump, and installation of clean water transfer pump. There are LVMDP panels, SDP panels, and subpanels as supply power for the installation that will be installed. Breaker rating selection power and dimensions cable delivery person who will use will affect on reliability network installation. Calculation of CRC will influence election breaker power, cable diameter selection delivery, and drop the voltage to happen on the network installation. The calculation was conducted manually. With more formerly collected load data equipment electricity at PT. XYZ Semarang and classification distribution system split panel installation, SDP panel, and LVMDP panel. The total load installed on the PT. XYZ Semarang Warehouse building is known as 318,406 VA or 318 kVA so the needed splicing power from PLN using customer of 329 kVA with use transformer with 400 kVA capacity and required generator set capacity of 400 kVA. The load on the LVMDP panel is 254,725 watts with KHA 569 A, so using MCCB with a rating of 630 A, using cable 7 x NYY 1c x 185 mm 2 with drop voltage 7.47 Volts or by 1.96% on the network 3 phase system. By PUIL 2011 standard decline voltage maximum of 4% so that the drop in the voltage on the LVMDP panel is still by the required standard.
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