A simple spalling procedure has been employed to split off oxide flakes from coatings on anodized aluminium alloys, thus exposing the metal interface for microscopical examination. The main material used for this work was the high strength aluminium alloy AA7010, but two lithium containing alloys, AA8090 and AA8091, were also included. Oxide fracture faces and oxide/metal interfaces on both unsealed and sealed coatings have been examined. The unsealed coatings on the three alloys showed a tendency to split along the oxide/metal interface forming small flakes, whereas sealed ones, under the same experimental conditions, usually fractured within the thickness of the coating, albeit very close to the interface. In the unsealed state, over the limited areas where the fracture occurred at or very near the interface, patches of uniformly thin oxide film remained attached to the metal, although there were less retained fragments on the 8091 alloy. In general, all fractures could be described as conchoidal in nature, crack paths ignoring the presence of even the coarser residual suspended particles. The 8090 oxide fractures exhibited, to a greater degree than the other two, disjointed scaly fracture features. Although these scaly features were dimensionally similar to the grains of the parent metal, their boundaries did not coincide with those of the original microstructure. Crack growth within the oxide, near the oxide/metal interface, progressed in an undulating manner to form ripples on fracture faces and then climbed away towards the coating surface to form a characteristic flake. Etching oxide coatings, particularly those on the 7010 alloy, by producing an opaque deposit in the bottom of the pores, revealed that the crack path oscillated about the porous layer/boundary layer plane. Series of uniformly spaced deformation bands were frequently observed on the metal surface delineating successive crack front positions as it progressed in a spasmodic manner. Other deformation bands were sometimes observed that were thought to be the result of the unbalancing of residual stress from anodizing.