Cement, sand, coarse aggregate, and water are the most common ingredients in conventional concrete. During the hydration and manufacturing of cement, a large amount of heat is produced, and the greenhouse gas CO2 is emitted, causing global warming and climate change. Industrial wastes including GGBS (Ground Granulated Blast-furnace Slag), metakaolin, and copper slag may be used to make concrete in major parts without needing cement and sand. In this investigation, seven M30 grade concrete mixes with the designations M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, and M7 are created (along with a control mix). The superplasticizer content in cement is 0.75 percent by weight. The maximum and minimum cement replacement rates for GGBS and Metakaolin are 5% and 10%, respectively. 20%, 40%, and 60% of copper slag are replacement values. The feasibility of a brand-new concrete building has been uncovered. The cured concrete's mechanical characteristics, impact strength, and bond strength are also all tested. The slump data will be used to investigate the workability attribute. The compressive strength is assessed at 14 and 28 days. Throughout the course of 28 days, the split tensile strength, flexural strength, impact strength, and bond strength are assessed. The M5 mixture, which contains 40% copper slag, 10% metakaolin, and 10% GGBS, has the highest compressive and impact strength. Concrete mix M3 with 10% GGBS, 10% metakaolin, and 20% copper slag has higher split tensile strength, flexural strength, and bond strength. The best hardened concrete strength is produced by 10% replacement of GGBS and metakaolin due to their pozzolanic activity and filler.
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