Buddha’s teachings are deep in insight, beyond verbal communication. The only way to free yourself from the power of words and concepts is, according to the words of Buddhist researcher Anagarica Govinda, by replacing our singletrack logic with a multidimensional symbol. The language of symbol, sound and gesture, used in art, opens up the possibility to comprehend the world in non-rational ways. In Zen, it becomes the means of transmission of the truth, residing deep in the heart. The dynamic nature of reality is, as is known, one of the main spiritual orientations of Buddhism. The motif of the Way, the road, the movement, the transition manifests itself in one way or another in Zen art, for the world itself is a stream, a process of becoming, not a state of being. The article emphasizes the disclosure of the inner meaning and philosophic implications of some of the most representative and significant motifs, bearing the wisdom of the lived experience of many spiritual mentors. Another emphasis in the article is made on research of what the images and symbols manifest in different fields of Zen art (painting, poetry, gardening, tea ceremony). Artistic creativity is regarded in Zen context as a spiritual discipline. The image in art becomes one of the means for the transformation of consciousness. Although this theme is one of the most significant and cross-cutting for Zen culture, there are no scientific studies on this topic in Russia. This certain fact identifies the urgency and practical value of the article.
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