The linear stability of the spiral motion induced between concentric cylinders by an axial pressure gradient and independent cylinder rotation is studied numerically and experimentally for a wide-gap geometry. A three-dimensional disturbance is considered. Linear stability limits in the form of Taylor numbers TaL are computed for the rotation ratios μ, = 0, 0·2, and -0·5 and for values of the axial Reynolds number Re up to 100. Depending on the values of μ and Re, the disturbance which corresponds to TaL can have a toroidal vortex structure or a spiral form. Aluminium-flake flow visualization is used to determine conditions for the onset of a secondary motion and its structure at finite amplitude. The experimental results agree with the predicted values of TaL for μ [ges ] 0, and low Reynolds number. For other cases in which agreement is only fair, apparatus length is shown to be a contributing influence. The comparison between experimental and predicted wave forms shows good agreement in overall trends.