In this continued study of the connection between classical c-number spinor models and their quantized Fermi partners, we elaborate further necessary consequences of the bosonization. The genuine (c-number) path integral representation of tr exp(−iHt) is derived for the Fermi oscillator and simple lattice Fermi models. We find that the underlying Hamiltonian of the Fermi system HF can be equivalently written as PHBP, where HB is the related Bose Hamiltonian, P is an appropriate projection in the state space of the Bose system, and [P, HB]−=0, HF=PHBP. Grassmann algebras are not used. We prove further that both for the massive Thirring model (MT) and the chiral invariant Gross–Neveu model (CN), the Bethe ansatz eigenstates for the Fermi Hamiltonians are exact eigenstates of the Bose MT and CGN Hamiltonians, so introduced that HF=PHBP, [P, HB]−=0. As a consequence, through studying the c-number path integral representation for tr exp(−iHFt), we establish a class of classical (c-number) spinor solutions of the underlying field equations, which at the same time stationary both the c-number Bose and c-number Fermi actions.
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