An open ended library system for neuronal spike train analysis is presented. The design is based on the experience with STAP-8, a spike train analysis program for the PDP-8/AX08 system. The system software and all I/O and analysis programs are written in assembly language for the standard PDP-12/A equipment. Single- or multi-channel assimilation of unit activity is possible by means of either AD-conversion of membrane potentials or event recording with Schmitt-trigger inputs. Multi-unit records of a single, non-selelctive electrode are sorted with respect to pre-defined threshold parameters. Data files (spike trains) with up to 2048 event times are saved on a LINC tape train library for off-line analysis. A set of 12 analysis programs is part of the basic STAP-12 system and covers the standard procedures, as interval histogram, autocorrelogram, crosscorrelogram, latency crosscorrelogram, auto- and crosscovariance estimates, serial correlogram, and Poisson parameter estimates. The user may extend the capacity of STAP-12, implementing his own specific programs.