Two to five days before sexual maturation, female sierra dome spiders (Linyphia litigiosa: Linyphiidae) undergo a transformation in their behavior toward males that visit their webs. During this latter part of their penultimate instar, females change from consistently positioning themselves far away from males to actively maintaining close proximity, reactions I call “avoidant” and “associative” behavior, respectively. Consistent associative behavior ceases after the female's first mating and thus is limited to soon-to-mature penultimate females. When a mate-seeking male fords an associative female, he attempts to guard her until she matures; this is often a multi-day affair. In contrast, males guard immature avoidant and mature mated females for only a single day. This dichotomy in male guarding times can be understood by the fact that associative behavior signals that the female will soon develop peak reproductive value. Upon completion of their final molt, 98% of females immediately mate with the current guarding male. Secondary suitors are not as likely to achieve mating. Moreover, first mates father 1.8 times more offspring, on average, than secondary mates. Whenever they meet on any female's web, males fight until one of the contestants withdraws. Fights typically are intensive, occasionally deadly, and often result in usurpation of the web by the newly arriving male. Larger males win more fights, but other qualities (e.g., vigor and persistence) appear to be important when contestants differ by less than 10–20% in body weight. Prolonged (i.e., multi-day) guarding of associative females enhances the intrasexual selection process by ensuring that every male that arrives at the web finds it already guarded. Therefore every male that finds the web becomes a participant in a series of male-male conflicts and web usurpations which span the period between the resident female's commencement of associative behavior and her sexual maturation. Since unforced male departures from the webs of associative females are rare, victors are retained on the web until they themselves lose a fight. This facilitates a steady increase in the fighting ability of sequential guards throughout the associative period, up until female maturation and mating. On my study site, first mates represented the final winners in a combative sorting process based on a minimum average of 2 fights; they were heavier and larger than secondary mates and randomly sampled males. The combination of (1) associative behavior by nearly mature females, (2) high mating propensity of newly mature females, and (3) first male sperm priority, constitutes a system whereby females enhance male-male competition and boost the expected fighting prowess of the principal sire of their progeny. Since males appear to make no material contribution toward progeny, the female's behavior probably functions to improve the genetic constitution of the offspring. In addition, the timing of associative behavior may limit prolonged guarding by food-stealing males to a period (1) encompassing the female's pre-molt fast and (2) before the heavy yolking of eggs, thereby ameliorating the nutritional costs of intrasexual selection.
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