• The resistivity contribution tensor for nonconductive sphere doublets is analytically evaluated. • Making reference to tangent sphere coordinates, the temperature fields are expressed by means of convergent integrals. • Based on a stream function, the axial component of the resistivity contribution tensor is found in closed form. • The transverse component of the resistivity contribution tensor is numerically assessed based on an Euler shooting method. • Comparison with respect equivalent spheroids is provided too. The distribution of the temperature and heat flux fields around a couple of unequal nonconductive tangent spherical inhomogeneities (or pores) embedded in an infinite medium under a steady-state and remotely applied heat flux is addressed in the present work. Owing to the 3D geometrical layout of the inhomogeneity, use is made of the tangent sphere coordinate system. A corrective temperature field expressed in terms of convergent integrals is superposed to the fundamental one to fulfill the BCs at the surfaces of the spheres. When the heat flux is aligned to the symmetry axis (axisymmetric problem), the solution can be found straightforwardly by introducing a stream function, which allows for transforming the Neumann BCs into a Dirichlet boundary value problem. Conversely, for the transversal heat flux (non-axisymmetric problem), the problem is formulated in terms of temperature, thus leading to a system of two ODEs which is handled numerically through a Euler shooting method, after preliminary asymptotic expansions. Once the temperature fields are known, the components of the resistivity contribution tensor are assessed varying the aspect ratio of the two spheres. It is found that the extrema of the thermal resistivity are achieved for spheres of equal size. The study allows assessing the effective thermal conductivity of a wide range of smart composites involving insulating inhomogeneities resembling sphere doublets.
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