OZET Patatesin degerlendirilme sekillerineden bil-ide, yumrulardan chips yapilmasidir. Bilindigi gibi chips, yumrularin usulune gore dilimlenmesi ve yagda kizartilmasidir. Bu endustri, bati memleketlerinde daha da ileri gitmis ve uzerinde yaptlan calismalar ilerlemistir. Bu arastirmanin gayesi, degisik sartlarda muhafaza edilen patates cesitlerinin chips verimine karsi gosterdikleri farkliligi tesbit etmek, ozgul agiritgin Ye muhafazasinin etkisini incelemektir. Neticede Cesitlerin chips verimlerinin farkit oldugu ve chips verimine muhafaza muddeti ile ozgul agirliginin etk/i oldugu anlasilmistir. Muhafaza sicakliklari bakimindan istatistik olculerine gore bariz bir farklilik gozlenememistir. SUMMARY Potata storage is as important to farmers, consumers and processors as are the methods of cultivation. Muhafaza muddeti ve soguk peryotta bekletilme, yumrularin chips verimini etkilemistir. Zira dusuk sicaklikta yumrularm su kaybi azaJmakta ve % kurumadde nisbeti dusuk olmaktadir. Kurumaddenin azalmasi chips veriminin de dusuk olmasini gerektirmektedir. Two groups of each variety were brought, from a different location. In each case, one of the groups had law spesific gravity (Iess than i. ioOgr. ) and the other high spesific gravity (more than ,i.iOO gr,). very important faetors attributed to ti changing of chips yieid. In this experiment, the effect of temperature, time of satorage, spesific gravity and the charateristics of the variety on yield of chips under 40° and 50° F. storage conditioD were studied. Four varieties were included in this study namely : a) Kennebec: Standart processing variety grown in the U.S.A. and Erzurum, Turkey. b) Haig: Chipping variety developed by the University of Nebraska and grown in the U.S.A. c) Neb. 156: 51-2. An adapted variety of central Nebraska. The specific gravIty of which Is generaJJy high; and d) Neb. 4: 56-9: Which has moderate spesific gravity and is grown in Nebraska. The potatoes were divided into two 10st and, stored under 40F and 50°F. After 33 days, they were moved to 65°F for reconstition and were held 35 days, Chips yield, ,were determined on the 0,5 th, 12 th, 19th, and 33 rd days of storage at 4O'F and the 7 th, 14th, 21 sd and 35 tb days of starage at 65°F. The reusults of thes experimet are gIven below. J S 6UH GIt.IFII( 1 - OUS1JK tn.u, 44 ........ uio:Slfiic • SUMMARY ~-..--...-.... ---------- .. - ------ , . .. Dry metter or specific gravity of potata tubers are of special interest, because when excess of 20 percent and i. 085 gr. respectively, they ca use desirable color, strueture and chips yield. The objective of staring potatoes is to preserve the tubers until such time. as theyare desiried for human consumption, stock, feed seed, or industriel purposes. Temperatures, time of storage, spesifIc gravltiy of tubers and the charecteritics of the potata varieties are ., 32 i. Specific gravity of tubers had significant effect on the chips yield of potatces at 4O°F or at 50cF. Chips yield of high spesific gravity potatoes was usually grea'ter than high specific gravity potatoes when processed. 2. Staroge temperature had no significant effect on the chips yield during storage. 3. As the storage time increased the chips yield of potatoes decrased gradually step by step at 400 P and 50op. until reconstioton period. 4. There was high differences among varieties in chips yield. More' chips was obtained from N.156:51-2 and the variety of N. 4:56-9 was the lowest in chips yield.
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