Given the evolving landscape of recruitment, the integration of technologi-cal and media trends has revolutionized recruitment processes, transform-ing how companies attract potential future colleagues. “Digitales Recruiting entlang der Candidate Journey. Maßnahmen und Best Practices für erfol-greiches Employer Branding” by Michael Lorenz and Frank Nientiedt (2023) offers insights and guidelines on integrating digital components at every stage of the candidate journey. The book serves as a comprehensive guide to the complex field of digital recruiting strategies. From raising awareness to making a final hiring decision, Lorenz and Nientiedt (2023) break down the stages of the candidate journey, explaining how digital tools can be used to optimize recruitment processes and outcomes. Drawing on related research and specific industry best practices, the book discusses va-rious aspects of digital recruitment, including social media recruiting, app-licant tracking systems, predictive analytics and more. The implementation of digital technologies to create a seamless and candidate-centric recru-itment process is a primary focus. The book highlights the potential of di-gital recruiting strategies by providing methods on how to leverage social media platforms to enhance employer branding or how to use algorithms powered by artificial intelligence to identify top talent...
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