The comparative study of the effects of 5.8mW/cm2 Millimeter Waves (MMW) and near Infrared (IR) irradiation on thermal properties, specific adsorption rate (SAR), specific electrical conductivity (SEC) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content of distilled water (DW), and physiological solutions (PS) was performed. The thermal effect of MMW irradiation appeared only after the first minute of irradiation, while the IR heating started from the first minute of irradiation. The heat fusion of frozen MMW-treated DW and PS was significantly less than sham and IR-treated DW and PS. MMW irradiation had time-dependent elevation effect on water SEC and SAR, which was accompanied by the increase of H2O2 formation in it. We suggest that the MMW-induced vibration of water dipole molecules caused the non thermal changes of physicochemical properties of DW and PS, which promote the formation of H2O2 in water.