In reconsidering three species of Vaccinium proposed by the first author in 1933 (V. Benthamianum, V. anfractum, and V. Pen~tellii), we found it necessary to t ransfer these species to Themistoclesia. In making these transfers we were anticipated by Sleumer 1 who published a short discussion of this interesting genus and a key to the species recognized by him. As originally treated by the first author, 2 Themistoclesia contained six species. This number has now been increased to twelve, although we disagree with Slemner to the extent of again separating T. pendula and T. depertde~s, and of reducing T. Pittieri to T. mucronata. I t does not seem advisable to publish still another key to the species, as Sleumer's may be used. All the species have been adequately described in l i terature during the past few years. Eight species of the twelve appear elosely related, but the remaining four are very distinct, both from the first eight and from each other. Thus five species groups are readily recognizable in the genus. I t is even a debatable question whether the last four species should be left in Themistoclesia in the sense of T. penchda, the type species. The f ru i t of T. Dryanderae, for instance, appears to be a fleshy berry, and this character would remove it from the genus as it has been understood. A reconsideration of the genus is doubtless desirable, but for the present we limit ourselves to an outline of the five species groups and a discussion of the f ru i t character. SPEcms GRouP 1: pendulae. Calyx narrow at base, broad and flattened at apex; disk pubescent or glabrous; corolla short tubular,~ much narrowed at base; inflorescence up to 2 era. in length. Include~. T. hi~uta Smith, T. compacta Smith, T. peruviana Smith, T. vegasa~r Smith, T. pendula KI., T. dependens (Benth.) Smith, T. Pennelli:ii (Smith) Sleumer, and T. anfracta (Smith) Sleumer. Sleumer has expressed the opinion that T. pendula and T. dependens are identical, but we are unable to eonfirm this. In addition to slight and perhaps inconsequential differences in calyx proportions and position of the pedicellary braets, the species differ as follows: T. pendula: disk hir-sure; anthers rounded at base; T. dependens: disk glabrous; anthers;