The lack of data on the metabolism of deep-sea demersal fishes is a major gap in our ecological knowledge of the deep ocean. Metabolism influences individual rate processes such as resource utilization, growth, and reproduction. It also correlates with an animal's ability to accommodate ocean acidification. Here we describe an autonomous in situ respirometry system that is deployed autonomously from a ship to capture fishes attracted to bait, and measure their rate of oxygen consumption. This instrument is multi-chambered and relies on the fish to actuate the capture mechanism and start the experiments. Although capture rates were low, data on five fishes were obtained including Eptatretus deani, two Coryphaenoides acrolepis, Antimora microlepis, and Pachycara gymninium. The metabolisms of the latter two species were measured for the first time. The metabolic rates were low (0.09–0.40 μmols O 2 g −1 h −1 at temperatures of 1.8–4.0 °C) in comparison to shallow water species. After taking temperature differences into account only the metabolic rates of benthopelagic species, C. acrolepis and A. microlepis, were substantially lower, by an order of magnitude, than shallow water relatives such as cod and pollock. The metabolic rate of the deep-sea fishes varied considerably clearly warranting further experiments to ascertain which factors are likely to explain the differences.