ITER Special Working Group 1 (SWG-1) was established by the terms of the ITER-EDA Agreement. According to that agreement {open_quotes}SWG-1 shall, based on the (ITER) Conceptual Design Report, review the detailed technical objectives along with the technical approaches to determine the best practicable way to achieve the programmatic objective of ITER, as described in Article 1 of the Agreement...SWG-1 shall submit, not later than three months after entry into force of the Agreement, its findings in a Review Report to the Council for its approval.{close_quotes} The ITER Council subsequently provided to SWG-1, as `a general guideline,` that detailed technical objectives and technical approaches, including appropriate safety margins, should be compatible with the aim of maintaining the cost of the device within the limits comparable to those indicated in the final report of the ITER CDA (Conceptual Design Activities), as well as keeping its impact in the long-range fusion program. The Council asked the Director to present an outline of the design within about 10 months, at the time when a draft agreement of Protocol 2 should have been prepared by SWG-2. This paper is the varbatim report of SWG-1.
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