The article substantiates the need to increase attention to the assessment and formation of the psycho-emotional stability of the body in order to preserve the mental and somatic health of students in the conditions of schooling. It is shown that martial arts, and in particular boxing, have a high potential for the development of motor qualities, the education of strong-willed personality characteristics due to the situational nature of motor loads, which involves overcoming fatigue, pain, restraining emotions and maintaining an optimal level of work capacity in conditions of psycho-emotional stress. The criteria for evaluating the educational achievements of high school students in the process of boxing classes are proposed, taking into account psycho-emotional stability, which includes the assessment of the level of theoretical preparation, general and special motor preparedness, willpower indicators, educational standards are developed for assessing the general motor, special preparedness of assessment and psycho-emotional stability of students 10-11 grades in the process of boxing. The content of boxing classes for the formation of psycho-emotional stability of high school students is determined based on the use of means and methods aimed at the formation of motivation, theoretical knowledge, techniques and tactics of boxing, the development and education of motor and volitional prognostic signs of psycho-emotional stability of students. Means of formation of psycho-emotional stability of high school students in the process of boxing include general development, preparatory, underwater and basic boxing exercises, breathing and relaxation exercises. Used practical methods of teaching the exercise, methods of developing motor qualities (continuous, interval, repeated) and methods of combined influence (circular, game, competitive), educational methods.
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