Single-photon emission tomographic (SPET) reconstruction can be improved, especially for noisy images, by using the iterative expectation-maximization of the maximum-likelihood (EM-ML) algorithm. Its application to clinical routine is, however, hampered by the high number of iterations necessary to achieve acceptable results. Therefore various methods have been developed to accelerate the EM-ML algorithm. In this paper a new accelerated EM-ML-like multiplicative algorithm is proposed for SPET reconstruction. Contrary to some other accelerating methods, it preserves two of the most important properties of the EM-ML, namely pixel positivity inside the patient body and null activity outside. The convergence speed is improved by a factor which can reach 100 in high spatial frequency or low count regions. Good estimates in the low count region are obtained without any smoothing, even at typical routine clinical count rates. The algorithm used in conjunction with the 3D effective one scatter path model provides high-quality SPET images and accurate quantitation.