The hourly L2-level chlorophyll-a (CHL-a) concentration spatial energy spectra of GOCI-II from 2021 to 2023 are employed to investigate the characteristics of the CHL-a spatial energy spectrum slopes in three regions of the East China Sea, namely nearshore, offshore, and open ocean. The seasonal trends of the spatial energy spectrum slopes are also examined for the nearshore and offshore regions. It is observed that the slopes of the CHL-a spatial energy spectrum are −2 at scales larger than 5 km, whereas at smaller scales, they are −5/3, −1, and −0.3 from the nearshore region to the open sea, respectively. On the larger scales, the spatial energy spectrum slopes are consistent with surface quasi-geostrophic (sQG) theory, but this is not the case on smaller scales. An insufficient regional CHL-a concentration leads to a flattening of the slope at the smaller scales. On the submesoscale, the slope of the nearshore CHL-a concentration spatial energy spectrum is steeper in summer and flatter in winter, a pattern that contrasts with changes observed offshore. This seasonal variation is attributed to the southward flow of ZheMin Coastal Current (ZMCC) during winter, which carries freshwater and enhances the horizontal buoyancy gradient in the nearshore region.
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