The dislocation density, dislocation cell size and intertwin spacing have been measured in shock-loaded nickel (about 35 μm grain size) along with the dislocation density, intertwin spacing, twin-fault volume fraction and α′ martensite volume fraction in shock-loaded type 304 stainless steel having grain sizes of 14, 38 and 89 μm. The three stainless steel grain sizes and the nickel sample were simultaneously shock loaded in a single experimental sandwich stack of sheet specimens. Single shock loading events were performed at 150, 300 and 450 kbar at 2 μs pulse duration and 450 kbar at 6 μs pulse duration, while a single sandwich was repeatedly shock loaded three times at 150 kbar at 2 μs pulse duration to investigate the effects of multiply shocked substructures. The dislocation density in the stainless steel decreased without exception as the grain size increased, and the α′ martensite volume fraction increased with increasing grain size. The α′ martensite also increased with increasing shock pressure to some extent with increasing (longer) pulse duration. The residual 0.2% offset yield stress followed a Hall-Petch type relation when considering cell size d and intertwin spacing Δ in nickel ( σ∼d −1, σ∼Δ − 1 2 ), while a Hall-Petch type relation was also followed in stainless steel for grain size D and intertwin spacing Δ ( σ∼D − 1 2 , σ∼Δ −1/2 ). It was shown that dislocation cells, twins or twin-faults and martensite all contribute to subgrain refinement and residual shock strengthening. Multiply loaded nickel and type 304 stainless steel exhibited microstructures and residual properties different from single events but were not representative of either additive shock stress or pulse duration. The initial microstructure was observed to influence the residual shock microstructure strongly as expected on the basis of work-hardening considerations. Multiply shocked 304 stainless steel contained a high density of martensite as compared with (equivalent) single shock events (150 kbar, 2 μs), and this was due to the shock loading of existing (initial) twin faults and the interactions of these faults to nucleate and grow martensite within such twin-fault bundles.