A new species of snailfish, Crystallichthys longirostris sp. nov., is described from Kronotskiy Bay, southeastern Kamchatka, from depths of 192 to 200 m. The new species differs from the three other species of the genus, C. mirabilis Jordan et Gilbert, 1898, C. cyclospilus Gilbert et Burke, 1912, and C. cameliae (Nalbant, 1965), in the unusually elongated shape of the narrow snout, the dot-like round pupil, simple (not three-lobed) teeth, and the short distance from the anus to the beginning of the anal fin (9% vs. 17–19% of standard length). The colour is pink, with clearly defined red-brown rings in an elongated oval shape. The new species is also recorded near the Northern Kuril Islands at a depth of 309 m. The diagnosis of the genus Crystallichthys Jordan et Gilbert, 1898 is emended considering the characters of the new species.