A study was conducted in South Western Punjab (India) during 2016-18 to assess the economic performance of clusterwise front line demonstration on chickpea (var PBG-7). One hundred ninety five front line demonstrations (FLDs) were conducted at farmers’ fields to demonstrate the effect of improved technologies on the productivity of chickpea using cluster village approach in Faridkot district of Punjab duringRabi 2016-17 and 2017-18. The productivity of chickpea under demonstration plots ranged between 11.9 to 13.2 q and 12.2 to 14.1 q/ha during year 2016-17 and 2017-18, respectively, whereas, under farmers’ practice the productivity varied from 9.5 to 10.7 q and 9.0 to 11.2 q/ha for respective years. The extension gap in the demonstration plots over potential yield was the lowest i.e., 1.8 q/ha in cluster I, whereas, the highest extension gap was recorded in cluster II (3.35q/ha) while the average extension gap over all the clusters was 2.57q/ha. The highest value of technology gap of 7.95 q/ha was recorded in cluster I, however, the least value was recorded in cluster IV (6.35) with the average technology gap of 7.10 q/ha over all the clusters. The technology index (%) was 31.75 for cluster IV, 33.50 for V, 35.5 for III, 37.0 for II and the highest, 39.75 per cent for cluster I, while, the mean technology index was 35.5 per cent. The value of net returns per ha under demonstration plots was Rs. 23550 and Rs. 26310, whereas, farmers practice gave net returns of Rs.14110 and Rs.14180 per ha, respectively, for the years 2016-17 and 2017-18. The benefit : cost ratio ranged from 1.80 to 2.00 for 2016-17 and 1.81 to 2.10 for 2017-18 under demonstration plots while the value of same varied between 1.42 to 1.59 and 1.31 to 1.63 under farmers’ practice for year 2016-17 and 2017-18, respectively.