The article presents the results of many years of research on the study of the genetic fund of grapes concentrated in the ampelographic collection of the Dagestan selection experimental station for viticulture and vegetable growing. Selection and variety study of grapes play a major role in the accelerated promotion to the market and the introduction into industrial production of promising varieties for various uses, which is very important in our time. A comprehensive study of 104 varieties and hybrid forms of grapes of intraspecific and interspecific origin was carried out. The purpose of the study is an agrobiological assessment of promising varieties and hybrid forms of grapes of interspecific and intraspecific origin for various uses. Methods. The research was carried out at the ampelographic collection of the Dagestan selection experimental station for viticulture and vegetable growing, located in Derbent. The object of research was 104 varieties and hybrid forms of grapes of domestic and foreign selection. Of these, 30 table varieties, 70 technical varieties and 4 universal varieties. The zoned varieties Karaburnu (table) and Muscat white (technical) were used as a standard. The research was carried out according to the following methods: “Study of grape varieties” and “Agrotechnical research on the creation of intensive grape plantings on an industrial basis”. Results. The article presents the results of assessing the indicators of fruiting and fruitfulness of varieties and hybrid forms of grapes of interspecific and intraspecific origin. According to the indicators of fruiting (K1) and fruitfulness (K2) among table varieties and hybrid forms, the following are distinguished: SV-23-657, SV-12-304, Dekabrsky, Ialoveni sustainable, V-95-1, XI-36-6/100 of which K1 ranged from 0.94 to 1.33 and K2 from 1.17 to 1.51. Among the technical varieties and hybrid forms based on these indicators, the following were distinguished: Bianca, Viorica, Gift of Magaracha, Yubileiny Magaracha, Pervenets Magaracha, in which K1 ranged from 1.17-1.50 and K2 from 1.34-1.60. For most varieties and hybrid forms, the fruiting coefficient (K1) varies from 0.67 to 1.30, and the fruiting coefficient (K2) ranges from 1.03 to 1.42. In universal varieties, the fruiting coefficient (K1) ranges from 0.70-1.02 and the fruiting coefficient ranges from 0.96-1.31. According to the yield of table varieties, interspecific hybrids are distinguished: Dekabrsky, SV-12-304, SV-20-365, SV-23-657, XI-36-6/100 in which the yield per bush varies from 11.2 to 19.5 kg/bush. Among the technical varieties in terms of yield per bush, the following stand out: TSKHA-3-2, Pierrel, Bianka, SV-20-473, Strogoziya, Podarok Magaracha, SV-12-375, for which the yield per bush was 12.4-22.2 kg. Conclusion. The introduction of selected varieties and hybrids into production will ensure an increase in crop yields and will contribute to import substitution and ensure the country's food security. Individual varieties will be used as sources of valuable traits in breeding work.