In this work, we demonstrate how the use of acoustic metamaterials allows using concepts from optics even when ray optics is not applicable. In particular, we use two compact metasurfaces, designed to be acoustic lenses, to realise a Keplerian acoustic telescope. We use the telescope in front of a loudspeaker to realise a sound projector, capable of delivering sound in specific positions within a diameter of 4m from the source. We first evaluate the accuracy and the limitations of our device by running classical microphone measurements, highlighting the shape of the delivered field and the contrast of the “image” with the surroundings. We then run two indoor localization experiments involving human participants, using either tonal signals or classical music. In the first experiment, we set the device to deliver sound in a room and asked participants to find it, while they were conducting a soundwalk across the space. In the second experiment, the participants were sitting in a fixed position and we moved the sound around them, once again asking them to locate where they thought it was coming from. Our results show the similarities of concepts like “aberrations” and “focusing” with optics, when metamaterials are used even when a single loudspeaker, opening possibilities for localised acoustics special effects.
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