In this study, depositional conditions in the glaciogenic Champlain Sea basin were inferred solely from evidence of computed tomography (CT). CT-scan images and Hounsfield unit (HU) profiles of two continuous cores in Ottawa, Canada, provided the data to identify five lithologically distinct, mud-dominated stratal units. Distinctively, all strata exhibit a repeating pattern of HU values. The upward increase and then decrease in HU values within each bed suggests upward increasing and then decreasing silt content, which collectively, is interpreted to reflect the consistent waxing followed by waning flow conditions during a single cycle of glaciogenic meltwater discharge. Mud rhythmites at the base of the succession (Unit 1) and beds of well-stratified mud at the top (Unit 4a) exhibit well-developed parallel-stratification in the lower part of each bed; they are characterized by a range of ~250–350 HU. This wide range in HU values reflects the effective partitioning of silt-rich and clay-rich parts in each bed, and therefore bed-surface and near-bed transport processes that sorted sediment mostly by grain size, followed by low-energy sediment fallout. The silt-rich part of each bed was deposited by glaciogenic meltwater-sourced hyperpycnal flows, which due to the freshwater composition of the basin, or at least in the upper part of the water column, were able to plunge to the basin floor and sort particles along the bed. In comparison, beds of bioturbated mud (Unit 2), banded mud (Unit 3), and diffusely stratified or structureless mud (Unit 4a) have a narrower range of ~50–120 HU, indicative of poorer particle sorting. These conditions, most clearly illustrated by the bioturbation, indicate a change to a seawater basin that caused meltwater inflows to instead form buoyant, sediment-laden hypopycnal flows, which aided by clay-silt particle flocculation and/or settling-driven convection, resulted in sediment deposition directly from suspension. In addition to characteristic sedimentary structures and textures, beds within each unit also exhibit similar thickness, which often doubles or triples in the abrupt transition from one unit to the next. These changes most probably reflect abrupt and systemic changes in deglacial dynamics and its control on sediment supply that often coincide with equally abrupt changes in salinity in the Champlain Sea basin.