The paper discusses optimization methods that are based on processes occurring in nature. Suchmethods have become increasingly used to solve complex problems. However, such methods have somedrawbacks, which stimulates the development of new and more advanced optimization methods. SolvingNP complete problems requires optimal methods that will meet all design requirements, so there is aneed to develop new and more advanced methods for solving this class of problems. As such a method,the authors propose an optimization method based on a model of the behavior of stem cells in the naturalenvironment. The conducted studies of the proposed method provide solutions that can overcomemany of the shortcomings of standard optimization approaches, such as getting into the local optimumor low convergence rate of the algorithm based on the method under consideration. The purpose of thiswork is to develop an optimization method and an algorithm based on it for solving a complex objectivefunction. The scientific novelty lies in the development of an optimization method based on the stem cellbehavior model for solving NP complete problems. The aim of the work is to create conditions for theoptimal search for a solution to complex functions by applying the search method and, based on it, analgorithm for the behavior of stem cells. The practical value of the work lies in the development of a newmetaheuristic optimization method for the efficient solution of NP complete problems. Also in the work,a comparative analysis with well-known competitors was carried out. The main difference of the proposedmethod from other known methods is the use of a new approach of bioinspired search based onthe behavior of stem cells, which, as shown by practical comparison, has an advantage over knownanalogues. The results of a practical comparison of methods and algorithms based on them showed theadvantages of the approach proposed in the work on known test functions. After analyzing the problemof creating methods, algorithms and software for solving NP complete problems, we can conclude thatthe development of such approaches is currently an urgent task.
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