Purpose: The increase in efficiency of modern systems is impossible without improving binary codes and signals on their basis. Widely used N-element binary codes do not provide the desirable low level of the lateral peaks of the autocorrelated function if N varies in a rather wide range. Additional requirements can be imposed on binary codes for various systems, concerning alternation of the coefficient signs and the existence of an analytical numbering system. It is important for constructing and generating a set of volume ensemble codes, storing not the code coefficients but their numbers in a certain numeral system. The purpose of this work is analytical synthesis of N-element binary codes with a preset level R of lateral peaks of the autocorrelation function (R-codes) under certain requirements to the alternation of the code coefficients, as well as the development of a system for their accounting. Results: A technique for the restricted synthesis problem solution is outlined, and its features are specified (for example, the possibility to transform a set of inequalities into a system of equations, its first half used for finding possibly appropriate codes, and its second half for choosing truly appropriate ones). Ratios are given which help to find the values of the code sequences. A way of numbering the synthesized codes based on a system of full codes is proposed. The concept of an author's code is introduced, to determine the rule of sign alternation for some R-code coefficients. A technique is given for finding lists of codes with these properties in the offered numbering system. Examples are given of synthesizing author's codes with R = 3, N = 32, 33. Practical relevance: The proposed technique and the results of the synthesis can find a use in building binary codes and signals on their basis for control systems, communication systems, radiolocation, computer systems and networks.
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