Existing neutronic whole-core simulation codes are problem-oriented. With the advancement of computer technology and the development of complicated micro-nuclear reactors, there is a pressing need to create solution methods with broad applicability and the ability to accommodate more complex, high-fidelity, unstructured geometries. This necessity motivates the development of a neutron transport code that can adapt to different types of nuclear reactors. This work describes the code design and theoretical model of VITAS, a multi-purpose simulation code for handling steady-state and time-dependent neutron transport problems. This code incorporates algorithms and models inside a unified variational nodal framework based on the second-order neutron transport equation. The most recent version of VITAS employs the isotropic scattering approximation and permits arbitrary spatial and angular refinement. VITAS is compatible with Cartesian geometry, hexagonal geometry, triangular geometry, and Cartesian geometry with finite element subdivisions in the radial direction (Cartesian-FE). The three-dimensional modeling can be performed by axially extruding the two-dimensional mesh. Users can choose the mesh type and expansion order on-demand for optimal computational efficiency.In this paper, VITAS is validated using benchmark problems, i.e., the TAKEDA3 benchmark and the transient LMW benchmark with Cartesian homogenized geometry, the C5G7 and C5G7-TD exercises with Cartesian-FE geometry, the TAKEDA4 benchmark and the Buckner and Stewart benchmark with hexagonal-z homogenized geometry, and the Dodds benchmark with cylindrical-z geometry described by triangular-z unstructured meshes. The space-angle truncation is extensively examined to demonstrate the asymptotic convergence behavior with p- and h-refinement. The results indicate that VITAS has the potential to become a versatile toolset for solving a variety of nuclear reactor problems.
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