In this work we present a mathematical formulation for geometric modelling which may be applied in spaces of any dimension. The model can be seen as an example of a graphic object algebra [see Torres, J. C. and Clares, B., Graphics objects: a mathematical abstract model for computer graphics. Computer Graphics Forum, 1993, 12(5), 311–328 and Feito, F. R. and Torres, J. C., Boundary representation of polyhedral heterogenous solids in the context of a graphics objects algebra. The Visual Computer, 1997, 13(2), 64–77]. It is based on the concept of simplicial chain which is considered a particular case of the polyhedral chains presented by Whitney ( Geometric Integration Theory, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1957). From the algebraic operations with simplicial chains we can obtain any element of the general polyhedral solids (manifold and non-manifold). Similarly, from the defined operations with chains, we can obtain the usual operations of geometric modelling (union, intersection and difference). So, the model can be considered a new scheme of representation of solids based on simplician chains. One of its uses is to obtain the usual operations of geometric modelling by means of operations with simplices (triangles, tetrahedra, etc) which are simple elements.