Thorough studies of the lateral migration of the solid soil material and the large-scale mapping of the soil cover have been performed within a landscape-geochemical arena in the small catchment area of the Lokna River basin (Tula oblast). Podzolized clay-illuvial agrochernozems are the predominant soils in the catchment area. Nine soil types from four orders according to the 2004 soil classification have also been described. The morphological analysis of the soil profile structures revealed their changes related to the lateral migration of the solid-phase products of the pedogenesis. From the estimated reserves of the spherical magnetic particles as tracers of the mass transfer, the accumulation and dispersion zones of the solid-phase material in the soil cover have been separated and conclusions about the genesis of these zones and their place in the migration structure of the catchment basin have been drawn. The soil catenas within the landscape-geochemical arena have been classified in accordance with the migration intensity of the soil solid-phase material, the localization of deposits, and the degree of openness of the soil-geochemical conjugations. The effect of the lateral migration of the soil solid-phase material on the structure of the microarena soil cover and the soil genetic profiles has been revealed.