In 2017, PMOD/WRC organised the solar ultraviolet broadband radiometer comparison campaign UVC-II. All 75 participating instruments from all over the world were characterised in the laboratory of the World Calibration Center for UV (WCCUV) and calibrated outdoors relative to the Qasume reference spectroradiometer. After a three month calibration period, all devices were returned to their owners, accompanied by a certificate demonstrating traceability to the international system of units. The calibration uncertainty stated in these certificates was less than 6% for the majority of the radiometers. The deviation to the original calibration factors was analysed. From this data we determined three components affecting the overall measurement uncertainty of solar UV measurements using broadband radiometers on different time scales: Usage of additional correction factors to the absolute calibration factor, control of the humidity inside the device and recalibration frequency. A subset of radiometers participating in the campaign were calibrated and characterised at their home laboratories. A comparison of the calibration factors shows that the USER- and the WCCUV-calibrations agree within the uncertainties for 9 out of 11 calibrations.
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