Solar energy units, as an ideal alternative, can be supplied to the balloons by mounting them over the envelope of the balloon. To avoid superheating and superpressure, the solar-powered balloon’s thermal efficiency should be controlled. In the current research, the thermal model of a solar-powered zero-pressure balloon has been built up and simulated in FORTRAN via iterative techniques and validated with published experimental data. The simulation of stratospheric solar-powered balloon flight has been carried out in real seasonal atmospheric conditions. The temperature variation of solar panels, interior helium, and balloon envelope material has been observed and compared with the unpowered balloon in winter and summer atmospheric conditions. The output power performance of the photovoltaic panel placed over the balloon with and without thermal effect has been reported. Furthermore, the characteristic length, angle, and area of the solar panel effects on photovoltaic panel temperature and output power are discussed in detail. The maximum temperature of the helium and envelope of the solar-powered balloon is obtained as 350.03 K and 351.19 K, respectively, and is notable in the summer solstice compared with the unpowered balloon. This research would help design the energy unit of the stratospheric balloon for long endurance.
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