The results of research of phytotoxicity of soils polluted with cleaning and disinfecting products for milking and dairy equipment were presented. Study of the product Sanimol L was conducted compared with the available products on the market, in particular, CircoSuper AF and Sulfohlorantin. It was established that when the content of the studied products in soils was 1.0 mg/kg, 10.0 mg/kg and 100.0 mg/kg, there was a gradual decrease in the mass of the maize stalk, on average by 18.8% and its length by 15.9 % compared to control. When the content of products Sanimol L and CircoSuper AF in soils was 1000.0 mg/kg there was a reducing the mass and length of the maize stalk by an average of 12.5% and 25.0%, respectively. The greatest decrease in the mass of the stem by 59.4% and its length by 62.3% was when the content of product Sulfohlorantin in the soil was 1000.0 mg/kg. After a five-day cultivation of maize seeds in soils with the content of the studied products 1.0 mg/kg and 100.0 mg/kg, it was observed a slight decline in the length of the longest roots by an average of 6.3%. When the content of these products in the soil was 10.0 mg/kg, the length of the longest corn root increased by 8.7%, indicating a stimulating effect on the growth of the root system and the absence of phytotoxicity. When soil was contaminated with products Sanimol L and CircoSuper AF in the amount of 1000 mg/kg, this morphometric index decreased by 12.9% and 21.7%, respectively. The most toxic was the soil with the content of the maximum amount of Sulfohlorantin. In doing so, the length of the longest corn root decreased by 66.9% compared with the control.