Valerij Yu. Vahrushev - Dean, Faculty of Automation and Computing Machines, Vyatka State University Address: 36, Moskovskaya Street, Kirov, 610000, Russian FederationE-mail: vahrushev@vyatsu.ruElena V. Bogomolova - Leading Programming Engineer, LEPSE Company; Post-graduate, Department of Automatics and Telemechanics, Vyatka State University Address: 36, Moskovskaya Street, Kirov, 610000, Russian FederationE-mail: elenaoops@mail.ruAnna M. Lanskih - Associate Professor, Department of Automatics and Telemechanics, Vyatka State University Address: 36, Moskovskaya Street, Kirov, 610000, Russian FederationE-mail: usr00221@vyatsu.ruYurij V. Lanskih - Associate Professor, Department of Automatics and Telemechanics, Vyatka State University Address: 36, Moskovskaya Street, Kirov, 610000, Russian FederationE-mail: lyuv@inbox.ruAndrej V. Luppov - Associate Professor, Department of Automatics and Telemechanics, Vyatka State University Address: 36, Moskovskaya Street, Kirov, 610000, Russian FederationE-mail: dei123@mail.ruAnna V. Malysheva - Lecturer, Department of Automatics and Telemechanics, Vyatka State University Address: 36, Moskovskaya Street, Kirov, 610000, Russian FederationE-mail: annyml@mail.ruNatalya A. Shmakova - Senior Lecturer, Department of Automatics and Telemechanics, Vyatka State University Address: 36, Moskovskaya Street, Kirov, 610000, Russian FederationE-mail: The authors consider the problems of constructing systems of accounting, management and analysis of a company. One of the most cost-effective ways to build such systems is the integration of legacy, acquired and developed components on a middleware base, which can be characterized as a technological platform for integration. Consideration is given to the formalization of principles for creation of such platform software. These principles are formed similarly to the principles of forming a microprogram processor control unit. We are shown how to develop a software platform that makes it possible to organize the launch of procedures for processing, visualization, data exchange by a schedule or by user request, using the microprogram processor control unit as a formal model. The totality of the information and software that acts as a platform is decomposed into instructions memory, metacommand memory, the instruction memory controller and metacommand memory controller. A document management system is considered as one of the options of platform software. The electronic document management system for the exchange of information is protected by digital signature. It facilitates integration between information subsystems of reference, accounting and other purposes. This practice is called EDMS-bus. Within the theoretical formulation of the problem the authors considered the informational domain model as a set of business processes performed in it. The automation of activity in the subject field amounts to forming a set of automated business processes, whose power is determined by the functionality of the implemented information system, and which cover to the maximum extent a set of business processes of the subject area. Examination is made of cases of overlapping sets of legacy information systems business processes and of implemented information systems business processes.
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