THE impact of Field Programmable Logic on the computing community has been growing for more than a decade. Field Programmable Logic devices are no longer just a prototyping vehicle for Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), but are increasingly found in computer systems where the user configurable logic and interconnects offer unique advantages. This special section contains seven papers reporting on a number of interesting advances in the architectures, compilation techniques, and applications of configurable computer systems, all chosen from the 13th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Its Applications, held on 1-3 September 2003 in Lisbon, Portugal. Two papers are selected to reflect the diversity that reconfigurable architecture can offer. The paper “The MOLEN Polymorphic Processor” by S. Vassiliadis, S. Wong, G. Gaydadjiev, K. Bertels, G. Kuzmanov, and E. Moscu Panainte presents a mixed general purpose and custom computing machine, proposing their own computing paradigm, instruction set, and compiler methodology. This paper attempts to combine both by extending a general purpose instruction set with eight special instructions to implement reconfigurable functions. This paper illustrates that the traditional barrier between the software and hardware worlds is fast diminishing. Many of the modern Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) architectures which include embedded processors also illustrate this new reality. The second paper, “An Asynchronous Dataflow FPGA Architecture” by J. Teifel and R. Manohar, presents an FPGA architecture able to implement highperformance asynchronous logic using the dataflow paradigm. These asynchronous circuits do not need a global clock to ensure that computation proceeds in the right sequence. Instead, all cells compute concurrently and are connected by specific communication channels which guarantee the necessary data dependencies according to a dataflow scheme. They developed a specific asynchronous FPGA device instead of utilizing conventional clocked FPGA architectures, as has been done by others in the past. Software environments and tools for reconfigurable computers can be very different from those found in conventional computers. Three papers are selected to demonstrate such differences. The first, “Operating Systems for Reconfigurable Embedded Platforms” by C. Steiger, H. Walder, and M. Platzner, addresses some issues in the design of an operating system for a reconfigurable system, focusing on the runtime environment that guarantees proper scheduling of real-time tasks. Unlike conventional software-only scheduling, this operating system requires a strong connection between the scheduling and placement of hardware modules. The second paper, “Exploiting Program Branch Probabilities in Hardware Compilation” by H. Styles and W. Luk, addresses a very interesting topic relating to the optimization of circuits implementing behaviors with branching constructs. For many years, software compilation has taken advantage of branch probabilities to optimize the average-case performance of algorithms. This paper extends the approach to compilation for reconfigurable hardware. It is demonstrated that an approach based on queuing theory can provide insights into an appropriate trade off between circuit area and circuit performance for each component in a design. As a result, the overall design has significantly improved performance under the same area constraint, compared to commonapproaches that do not consider load balancing issues. The last compilation paper by K. Shayee, J. Park, and P. Diniz considers the impact of compiler loop transformations on hardware designs implemented in reconfigurable logic. It has long been accepted that loop transformations offer a useful way to formalize and automate design space exploration. However, the impact of loop transformations on circuit performance is not always well-understood due to the simplifying architectural models often employed. This paper studies the impact of loop transformations on both area and performance measures and focuses on the particularly interesting area of loop transformations within architectures containing a limited number of memory channels. Computer systems based on Field Programmable Logic only compete favorably against conventional computer systems in specific applications. Two such applications are chosen for the last two papers. The first by C. Ebeling, C. Fisher, G. Xing, M. Shen, and H. Liu presents the design and implementation of an OFDM receiver in the RaPiD reconfigurable architecture as a case study for comparing the relative cost and performance of ASIC, programmable, FPGA, and domain-specific reconfigurable systems. The last paper, by I. Skliarova and A. Ferrari, gives a IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, VOL. 53, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2004 1361
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