To increase switching frequencies while limiting switching losses in voltage-source inverters, power switches have been made significantly faster with achievable switching times now less than 100 ns. However, faster switches generate larger inverter output voltage edge rates ( ${dv/dt} $ ) and result in deleterious effects in variable-speed drive systems including transient overvoltages at motor terminals, electromagnetic interference, and bearing failures due to microarcs. A common approach for limiting peak ${dv/dt} $ involves using a ${dv/dt} $ filter. However, the ${dv/dt} $ filter introduces extra power losses and increases the overall size and weight of the system. Soft-switching circuits, which were originally developed to reduce switching losses, can help reduce ${dv/dt} $ , but using soft-switching to accurately control ${dv/dt} $ has not been fully explored. In this paper, a new soft-switching circuit, entitled the auxiliary resonant soft-edge pole (ARSEP), is set forth. ARSEP improves the available soft-switching circuits so that ${dv/dt} $ can be accurately controlled through the circuit parameter design. An ARSEP inverter prototype was designed, simulated, and constructed to verify its performance and benefits. Compared to a conventional hard-switched inverter with a ${dv/dt} $ filter, the ARSEP inverter prototype results in a significant reduction in overall power loss, inductor volume, and weight.