Previous articleNext article No AccessThe Social Institutions of Occupational SegregationWork Aspiration of Women: False Leads and New StartsJudith Long LawsJudith Long Laws Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Signs Volume 1, Number 3, Part 2Spring, 1976Women and the Workplace: The Implications of Occupational Segregation Article DOI Views: 8Total views on this site Citations: 27Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1976 The University of ChicagoPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Gowri Vijayakumar “I’ll Be Like Water”, Gender & Society 27, no.66 (Dec 2013): 777–798. Singh Gender Differences in Work Values and Personality Characteristics among Indian Executives, The Journal of Social Psychology 134, no.55 (Oct 1994): 699–700. L. Gardner Career commitment in nursing, Journal of Professional Nursing 8, no.33 (May 1992): 155–160. F. Szafran, Joy B. Reeves A Comparison of Men in Typically Male and Typically Female Operative Occupations, Sociological Inquiry 59, no.22 (Apr 1989): 222–230. B. Reeves, Robert F. Szafran The significance of personal and family characteristics in occupational outcome by sex, Sociological Spectrum 8, no.11 (Jan 1988): 67–83. R. Greer, Mary Anne Dorland Castro The Relationship Between Perceived Unit Effectiveness and Occupational Stress: The Case of Purchasing Agents, The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 22, no.22 (Jul 2016): 159–175. Marshall Professional Shock, Education and Urban Society 18, no.11 (Jul 2016): 28–58. ZNANIECK LOPATA, KATHLEEN FORDHAM NORR, DEBRA BARNEWOLT, CHERYL ALLYN MILLER Job Complexity as Perceived by Workers and Experts, Work and Occupations 12, no.44 (Aug 2016): 395–415. Jenkins Sex differences in minor psychiatric morbidity, Psychological Medicine. Monograph Supplement 7 (Jan 2010): 1–53. S. Astin The Meaning of Work in Women's Lives A Sociopsychological Model of Career Choice and Work Behavior, The Counseling Psychologist 12, no.44 (Dec 1984): 117–126. B. Bernard Commentary on the Meaning of Work, The Counseling Psychologist 12, no.44 (Dec 1984): 139–140. A. Steitz, Carol M. Kulpa Occupational Involvement and Alienation among Adults: The Effects of Gender and Age, International Journal of Behavioral Development 7, no.44 (Jun 2016): 479–499. Long, Karen L. Porter Multiple Roles of Midlife Women, (Jan 1984): 109–159. R. Tickamyer, Janet L. Bokemeier Career mobility and satisfaction of women administrators in postsecondary education: A review and research agenda, Sociological Spectrum 4, no.2-32-3 (Jul 2010): 335–360. Reynolds Jenner Correlates of Career Choices of Women Volunteers, Psychological Reports 53, no.3_suppl3_suppl (Aug 2016): 1135–1142. Parr Lemkau Women in Male-Dominated Professions: Distinguishing Personality and Background Characteristics, Psychology of Women Quarterly 8, no.22 (Nov 2016): 144–165. B. LACY, JANET L. BOKEMEIER, JON M. SHEPARD JOB ATTRIBUTE PREFERENCES AND WORK COMMITMENT OF MEN AND WOMEN IN THE UNITED STATES, Personnel Psychology 36, no.22 (Jun 1983): 315–329. Kats The Immigrant Woman: Double Cost or Relative Improvement? , International Migration Review 16, no.33 (Jun 2018): 661–677. E Walker, Curt Tausky, Donna Oliver Men and women at work: Similarities and differences in work values within occupational groupings, Journal of Vocational Behavior 21, no.11 (Aug 1982): 17–36. Statham Macke Token Men and Women, Sociology of Work and Occupations 8, no.11 (Aug 2016): 25–38. Kaufman, Michael L Fetters Work motivation and job values among professional men and women: A new accounting, Journal of Vocational Behavior 17, no.33 (Dec 1980): 251–262. Parr Lemkau Personality and Background Characteristics of Women in Male-Dominated Occupations: A Review, Psychology of Women Quarterly 4, no.22 (Jun 2016): 221–240. H. Garrison Gender Differences in the Career Aspirations of Recent Cohorts of High School Seniors, Social Problems 27, no.22 (Dec 1979): 170–185. Joanne Miller , Carmi Schooler , Melvin L. Kohn , and Karen A. Miller Women and Work: The Psychological Effects of Occupational Conditions, American Journal of Sociology 85, no.11 (Oct 2015): 66–94. M. Trice, Janice M. Beyer Women Employees and Job-Based Alcoholism Programs, Journal of Drug Issues 9, no.33 (Jul 1979): 371–385. D. Grandjean, Helen Hazunda Bernal Sex and Centralization in a Semiprofession, Sociology of Work and Occupations 6, no.11 (Aug 2016): 84–102. A. Muckler Human Factors and the Future of Work, Proceedings of the Human Factors Society Annual Meeting 21, no.11 (Oct 1977): 10–13.
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