The involvement of parents in the treatment process is essential for the child to achieve language developmental outcomes. This literature delves into the intricate relationship between parental factors, negligence and language delay of children in the United Arab Emirates. This is intended for reference by Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) to help them analyze the specific parental factors that may contribute to the development or exacerbation of language delay in children. The findings of this review are substantial, disentangling modifiable parental factors such as socioeconomic status of parents, their education level, family structure and their involvement in their child’s education and activities significantly impact children’s communication development and well-being. This paper review examines a notable association between parental negligence and increased screen time for children, emphasizing the importance of parental supervision in managing screen exposure. The implications of this encourage educational programs from government and private institutions and empower parents and Speech and Language Therapists (SLT’s) to foster positive language development in children. Recommendations include sensitivity and comprehensive approach considering cultural, parental, and environmental factors.