WE are informed that the contributions recently made to the Lister Memorial Fund include the following: Clothworkers' Company, 100l.; Grocers' Company, 52l. 10s.; Ironmongers' Company, 25l..; Mercers' Company, 105l..; Merchant Taylors' Company, 262l.. IDS.; Skinners' Company, 105l..; Society of Apothecaries, 52l.. 10s.; Corporation of the City of Glasgow, 52l.. 10s.; Royal College of Physicians, 21l..; Royal College of Surgeons, 52l.. 10s.; Royal Dublin Society, 50l.; Royal Horticultural Society, 52l. 10s.; the Royal Society, 10l.; Harveian Society, 10l. 10s.; Pharmaceutical Society, 10l. 10s.; Physiological Society, 10l. 10s.; Royal Microscopical Society, 5l. 5s.; Royal Sanitary Institute, 5l. 5s.; the Manchester Cooperative Wholesale Society, 21l., and many medical societies. Lord Strathcona has sent a donation of 100l., and Prof. Ehrlich, of Frankfurt, has sent one of 500 marks.