Introduction. The transformation of the world order has been one of the main topics of political research since the 1990s. Nevertheless, the dominant approaches are characterized by a certain one-dimensionality. In the scientific and expert discourse, predominant attention is paid to the prospects of forming a new configuration of great powers on the world stage, i.e. a new iteration of the world order based on the state-centered (Westphalian) paradigm. Meanwhile, in the last thirty to fifty years, in addition to a significant change in the world political actor lineup, the state itself has been undergoing profound structural changes, and other actors are also acquiring a new quality. And an important element of this institutional dynamics of states is associated with the processes of subnationalization, which can be understood as the strengthening of the political subjectivity of subnational regions and local communities. And this has not only domestic political, but also an in-creasingly tangible international political dimension. How does the subnational factor (subnationalization) affect the transformation of the world order and the problem of development?Materials and Methods. Data from different political-geographical areas and different spheres of subnational political activity are used. The range of case studies presented is intended to demonstrate the significance of the subnational factor in a wide variety of societies and diverse states. It is important to emphasize that subnationalization is not a Western phenomenon, as it is often inertially presented in academic discourse. Also, subnationalization is less and less tied to federalism as the most appropriate type of state structure. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study consists of the actor approach and the comparative method for comparing processes in different subnational regions. Elements of identity theory are also applied.Results of the study. Subnationalization is a phenomenon related, but not reducible to regionalization. It is related to the problem of global and country socio-political development. The crisis of numerous sustainable development programs generates alternative concepts, which are also influenced by the subnational factor.Discussion and conclusion. The author concludes that sub-nationalization is an independent phenomenon and trend that should be taken into account in the analysis of current processes and projecting scenarios of world development. At the same time, sub-nationalization correlates with the problem of development in a binary way, being both a resource and a tool. Both socio-political development of specific societies and world political evolution will increasingly rely on the subnational factor.
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