This article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of theoretical and general philosophical foundations of operational and investigative support of criminal prosecution. Various aspects of this activity are considered, including philosophical concepts, theoretical approaches, ethical aspects, epistemological and axiological foundations. The paper provides an overview of the contribution of Soviet, Russian and Central Asian scientists to the development of the theory of operative-search activity. Special attention is paid to the concept of V.A. Lukashov, who expanded the understanding of operational and investigative support to the entire system of law enforcement agencies. The study relies on a number of methods, including dialectical, hermeneutic, system analysis and comparative approach. As a result, the concept of the philosophical and legal foundations of operational and investigative support is formulated, key theoretical approaches to its understanding are identified, a system of ethical principles is developed and an epistemological model of information acquisition is proposed. Operative and investigative support is considered as a complex phenomenon that integrates elements of various philosophical concepts and legal theories. The importance of the balance between public safety and protection of individual rights is emphasized, as well as the necessity of constant rethinking of ethical principles in the context of society and technology development. The article analyzes informative-cognitive, preventive-prophylactic, procedural-security and other approaches to the understanding of operational and investigative support. The issues of integration of operational and investigative support into the system of social control and crime control are considered. Special attention is paid to the influence of technological progress on the development of methods and means of operative-search activity. The conclusion is made about the need for continuous theoretical understanding and practical improvement of operational and investigative support of criminal prosecution in the context of changing social, technological and legal realities.