Mass events organized in Poland in recent years, including sports, entertainment, as well ascultural and social (religious) gatherings, have been consistently gaining popularity, as reflectedin the large number of participants. This is undoubtedly due to the attractiveness of the events onone hand and the positive assessment of the safety level during these events on the other. Yet itis crucial to recognize that beyond their positive aspects, mass events frequently present specificchallenges and threats. Unpredictable and irrational behaviour among participants can result froma variety of factors, posing risks to their health and lives as well as that of bystanders and property.Effective managing of these situations is a genuine challenge for governmental authorities,services and responsible entities. This challenge stems from comprehensive preparatory andorganizational measures designed to prevent crisis situations and, if they occur, promptly regaincontrol. This study aims to present a model of organizational-procedural solutions and explorethe application of modern information technologies to enhance participant safety during massevents. The research methodology involved a comprehensive analysis of scientific, industry, andlegal materials. Additionally, valuable insights were drawn from the author’s first-hand experiencegained through direct observations while fulfilling official duties in ensuring the safety of massevents during real incidents in Poland.