This essay examines both the ?legal? repression of women in Nazi Germany and the role that women played in helping to make the Nazi system of social and political control function. It focusses on women and the organs of social control in the city of Cologne and its surrounding area. It combines a computer analysis of all existing cases (circa 30,000) of illegal political activity reported to the state prosecuting attorney (Staatsanwaltschaft) in the district served by the Cologne ?Special Court? (Sonderge richt) with an indepth analysis of a sample of over two hundred of these cases in the city of Cologne and in the neighboring small town of Bergheim. It also analyzes the prison records of the main Cologne jail (Klingelp?tz) during the war years. It argues that though women were important actors in the Nazi control apparatus at the local * Address all communications to Eric A. Johnson, Dept. of History, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48859, USA. This essay was written while I was a visiting Professor at the ZA/ZHSF of the University of Cologne. The research for this paper is supported by grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities (Grant No. RO-22401-92, ?Protest, Popular Opinion and Denuncia tion in Nazi Germany?) and the National Science Foundation (Grant No. SES 9209720, ?RUI: Compliance with and Opposition to Totalitarianism?). I would like to extend my thanks to Ralph Ponemereo of the Zentrum f?r historische Sozialfor schung and Harald Rohlinger of the Zentralarchiv fur Empirische Sozialforschung, both of the University of Cologne, for their significant technical and intellectual support. Also I wish to thank my research assistant Christiane Wever for her hard work, good cheer, and important insights. 1 Frau Werner in Annemarie Tr?ger, ?German Women's Memories of World War n,? in Margaret Randolph Higonnet et. al., eds., Behind the Lines: Gender and the Two World Wars (New Haven, 1987), p. 293. On the importance of marriage to German women in the Third Reich in general, see Gabriele Czarnowski, Das kontrollierte Paar. Eheund Sexualpolitik im Nationalsozialismus (Weinheim, 1991).
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