For a long time, auditing has been considered a discipline dedicated to the evaluation of financial and accounting information. Today, he has demonstrated his strengths in various areas of business, including the social component, the practice of social audit or its origin, but this discipline remains limited, despite its importance for human resource management. This article discusses social audit as an anti-crisis management tool. Modern social audit has methods that allow us to give a fairly accurate and objective description of the potential of the management body and to identify its real ability to innovate. And they allow you to have a positive impact on the risks associated with human resources management. The main purpose of this publication is to summarize a review of the literature on social auditing and its impact on human resource management risk management. The implementation of a human resource management tool, which is considered the key to socio-economic efficiency and human capital adaptation, is highlighted as a paramount task, despite the fact that most companies do not choose this practice. Based on the results of the analysis of bibliographic materials, it was found that social audit: has a positive impact on the practice of managing risks associated with human resource management; seen as an effective tool for identifying positive social and emotional indicators of improving social performance; the importance of social audit in the enterprise and its role in minimizing crises associated with personnel practices.