BIOGEOGHAPH/A - vol. X/II — 1987 Biogeografia delle A/pi Sud—Orienta/i Il genere Seslez/222 quale indicatore di fattori climatici nell’Isontino VINKO STRGAR UIzz'vei*5z'tzid2' Ljubljkzm, Dzpmfi/72e1zt0 dz‘ Biologizz della Facoltci Bz'0tecm'ca e Istzmto di Biologzkz delZ’U72z'vem'tz2 SUMMARY We deal with the central Posoeje in a submediterranean vegetation regione approximately between the towns of Solkan and Plave, which lie in—between Gorica and Tolmin. The area is about 9 km long and 2 to 4 km wide. The lowest point is 60 m above sea level in the valley of the Soca river and the highest is 609 rn above sea level on the top of Sabotin. The Sofia flows here across the last kilometres of a narrow valley which is squeezed between 682 m high Sv. Gora (Skalnica) in the northeast and 609 m high Sabotin in the southwest. The habitats are rocky or stony, consisting of dolomite or limestone. Due to the special geographical situation of the area and its extreme orographical diversity, there are Considerable differences in microclimatic conditions here. The influence of a warm mediterranean climate from the sea about 20 km away spreads from the west and the south. There is the influence of a cold alpine climate coming from the north as well. Besides warmth, air humidity is also an important factor here: it is specially high in the gorge of the Soca, on the northwestern hillside of the mountains above the 50521 and on their ridges. Each climate has a prevailing influence at the extreme points: the rnediterranean one on the ridge and hillsides of Sabotin, the alpine one in the Soea valley. The characteristics of an intermediate climate are very obvious on the ridge above Plave northwest of Sabotin. Because of the temperature inversion the highest temperatures are on the ridge and hillsides of the higher regions of Sabotin, which is under the strongest mediterranean influence. For the same reason the lowest temperatures are in the Soca valley where cold air is retained. Intermediate conditions occur in the ridge and hillside above Plave, wich are a little farther from the warm Mediterranean and from the cold Soca valley. Four species of genus Serlerizz grow in this area. Serleria am‘zz/mzalis (Scop.). F. W. Schultz from the section Argenteae and S. kalzzziee/zsir ]av., S. mzgz/rtzfolia (Hackel et Beck) Deyl and S. zzlbiamr Kit. (=S. mzria Jacq.) from the section Calcariae. The species S. azt/zz/27/mlis is a thermophyle one with different requirements than the other three species regarding air humidity and it is not to be compared with the others. That is the reason why we do not deal with S. azztz//zzmzlir here. The knowledge of the general spread of the other three species shows that the most thermophyle species is S. lzalzzilaeizrir, S. albiczz/2: is non-thermophyle and S. mzgzz.rtz_'fo[z'a fits somewhere in-between. All three species require humid air for good growth. They cannot be differentiated regarding air humidity. The geographical spread of the three named species of the genus Sexleria in the central Posocje matches very well with their generally known thermal requirement. The most demanding species concer- ning warmth is S. /ealzzzkeizsis, which overgrows the ridges of Sabotin and their northeastern hillside (above the Soca) from an altitude of approximately 200 m above sea level up to the top of the ridge. The least demanding species regarding warmth is S. albzbaizr, which overgrows rocks and stony habitats in the Sofia valley up to an altitude of approximately 150 In above sea level. S. aizgz/rhfolzkv, which is an interme- diate species concerning warmth, grows on the ridge and hillside above Plave. INTRODUZIONE Si desume dal titolo che dalla distribuzione delle specie del genere Sexle- rzkz dovremmo venire a conoscenza d1 dati concreti in rnerito alle condizioni 411
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