The American Cancer Society is the major organization that provides cancer education to health professionals in the United States. This is implemented not only by the National Office but through 58 Divisions and over 3000 local Units. Objectives for professional education emphasize informing physicians and the multiple disciplines of health professionals engaged in primary care about cancer detection and prevention, particularly for breast, lung, colon, rectal, and cervical cancers. A plan is now being developed for a professional education program to the year 2000. Cancer control programs sponsored or planned by the Society include the Colorectal Health CHECK program, Smoke Free Young America, Breast Cancer Detection Awareness, and Cancer Risk Reduction. These programs demonstrate an effective partnership between professionals and lay volunteers. The Society also offers Clinical Fellowships, Medical and Nursing Professorships, and Nursing Scholarships to further professional education. National conferences are sponsored by the Society, as are special graduate courses for physicians from foreign countries. In addition, numerous publications and audiovisuals are available through Units to supplement professional, as well as lay, education.
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